Our Values…

At St.Lukes, we take our responsibility to the planet and our community seriously. Our mission is to bring you amazing homeware while staying true to our values and supporting local communities.

Sourcing and Suppliers

We pride ourselves on building strong relationships with European suppliers and local Irish artisans. By choosing partners who share our commitment to quality craftsmanship and ethical manufacturing, we ensure that each item you bring into your home has a positive impact.

Sustainability Initiatives

Caring for our planet is a priority. From our eco-friendly Bally range to mindful packaging choices, we actively seek ways to reduce our environmental footprint. We do our very best to only use cardboard and paper packaging. We may have to use plastic protective packaging for extremely fragile items, but we will do our best to limit the use. Together, we can create a more sustainable and beautiful world.

Community Support

We love being a part of the vibrant Cork community! As we grow this business together, we aim to be in a position to support local charities and get involved in events. This would be our way of giving back and nurturing the spirit of togetherness that makes our city special.

Diversity and Inclusion

At St.Lukes, we believe in celebrating individuality and creating a warm, inclusive space for all. As an LGBTQIA+ owned business, we cherish diversity and welcome everyone with open arms.

Corporate Ethics

Honesty, integrity, and fairness form the foundation of our business. We hold ourselves accountable to high ethical standards and strive to make every interaction with St.Lukes a positive one.


We believe in being open and transparent with you. From sharing the stories behind our products to our business practices, you can trust that we're always upfront and honest.

Your Voice, Our Inspiration:

At St.Lukes, we embrace and value your feedback, making you an integral part of our homeware journey. Your insights shape our unique offerings, and your stories inspire us to create a space that reflects your style. Together, we co-create a delightful home decor experience, where your satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do. Join us in shaping St.Lukes, and let's craft a home that truly resonates with your soul.

Certifications and Awards

Though we don't chase awards, any recognition, comment and reviews we receive fill us with pride. What truly matters is your trust and satisfaction in knowing you're making a mindful choice with St.Lukes.

Thank you for being a part of our caring homeware journey. Together, we can make every corner of your home and our world a little brighter.